Dandelions should be used, not sprayed and cursed! Many foods we cultivate do not come close to the dandelion in nutrient content. And they are FREE! Most people don't plant them expend any effort to grow them, they just appear on their own. (I wonder how many times God sighs at our bumbling efforts. Here he supplies this great food and we look right over it!)
Dr. Christopher informs us that 100 grams of dandelions is packed with 14,000 mg. of vitamin A, 187 mg. of calcium, 397 mg. of potassium, and many other nutrients including proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. You could probably live on dandelions if you had to. My parents talk about how they remember eating the heads of dandelions. Lots of people still use the leaves in salads, etc.
Dandelions were brought over from Europe. The native populations quickly adopted them into their healing modalities. The Pillager and Meskwakis used the root for chest pains, the Ojibwas for heartburn, and the blossoms were used as a heart tonic. The leaves were used as a tonic for bruises and the Tewas used them for bone fractures. The plant was also used as a food source, with good reason!
This wonderful "'weed" has the highest plant source of iron and is used for anemia. It is very effective for liver and gallbladder congestion and has also been used effectively for sluggish spleen. Dandelion has mild diuretic qualities. Inflammation of the liver is cared for by using one part dandelion to three parts marshmallow as a tea. This is consumed every waking hour of the day. There is no toxic level for dandelion so use it in any quantity that is effective.
This article was written for Herbal Legacy Newsletter by David Christopher.